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Boat Loans & Finance | Finance Ezi Marine Boat Finance

As the weather starts to warm many avid boaters are now starting to get their boats out ready for the boating season ahead. Whether you winterised your boat before storage or not, this is actually a good time to check your boat over, do some maintenance and make sure it’s ready to get you through to next winter.

We love getting out on the water so we want to help you get back out there. That’s why we’ve put together a maintenance checklist to help you make sure you don’t miss anything before launch.

Maintenance Checklist

Boat Hull – It’s important after a long storage period to inspect the hull for signs of wear or damage. Look for things like blisters, cracks or distortions and make sure the drain plug is securely in place.

Propellers – Inspect the propeller (or propellers) for dings, cracks and distortions, as well as the condition of the ring bearings. If they’re looking worse for wear now is the ideal time to replace them.

Hoses, Belts & Cables – View all belts and hoses for cracks or brittle areas that could wear out, and make sure all belts are fitted tightly. Inspect the outer jackets of control cables for cracks and swells.

Fluid Levels – Check all fluid levels are where they should be, topping up coolant, power steering and power trim reservoirs. It’s also a good time to do an oil change.

Fuel System – Check all hoses, tank surfaces and connections for damage or leaks that require new components. Make sure all the fittings and clamps are secure. Run the engine to check the exhaust and ventilation systems are functioning too. If there are any reasons for concern, make sure you have someone service the engine and do any necessary repairs. Better to be safe than sorry. don’t get caught drifting around thinking “I thought that sounded funny.”

Safety Equipment – Make sure your life jackets are in functional condition and that you have enough for the number of passengers you intend to carry. Check fire extinguishers are charged, in date and stowed properly. Replenish your first aid kit for any used or expired equipment.

Once all this has been done, hurry up and get yourself back out on the water!


If your boat maintenance has revealed that it’s time for an upgrade, talk to us at Finance Ezi about boat loans and marine finance. We can help with everything from buying a new or used boat, to complete engine rebuilds.

Call us on 1300 003 003 for more information, or simply apply online today to get things moving.

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