Boxing Day only comes once a year and any savvy shopper knows it’s not a day to be wasted! Sure the shopping centres will be packed and you can forget about finding a park, but the Boxing Day Sales will be well worth your while.
The trick to making the most out of the day isn’t just showing up, credit card in hand. It’s having a bit of a strategic approach to your shopping. We don’t want you to map out the shopping centre like it’s a marathon route, but we do want you to plan ahead. So what exactly does planning ahead look like and how do you do it? It’s EZI;
Planning your Boxing Day shopping
- Set a budget: Yes, budgeting is always going to be at the top of our list, but what can we say? It’s what we do. Christmas shopping can be expensive and if you don’t budget for it (but hopefully you did because you read this blog) and you certainly need to budget for Boxing Day sales! Be realistic and if you’re taking the kids with you, account for the fact that they’ll surely be asking for something along the way.
– - Make a list: What are you after? Do the kids need new beach towels or play clothes? Are you in the market for new cookware or flashy electronics? Whatever it is, write it down so you don’t forget to look for it. There’s nothing more annoying than knowing there’s only one thing you actually need on Boxing Day. You’re getting so caught up in the sales that you accidentally come home with everything but.
– - Research: Search around the websites and social media pages of your favourite shops to find out how great their sale is going to be and what specifically is going to be on sale. This will help you get exactly what you’re after and stick to budget. Focus on the things you need and the products you missed out on during Christmas.
– - Go and have fun! Keep yourself and the family reigned in as much as you can to avoid overspending, but honestly, the key is to just have fun and enjoy the day whilst scooping up the hottest post-Christmas sales.
Already getting excited about Boxing Day? Share this article with your favourite shopping buddy and get planning!